A dry climate is common in the winter when there is low humidity in the air. This is because the low temperature causes the vapor to condense and settle as water on surfaces, leaving the air with little to no moisture. Most heating systems are in intense use during this time of the year and can further escalate the problem. To eliminate this issue, you need a humidifier in your home for comfortable living and to prevent health complications.

Understanding How Humidifiers Work

Humidity is the amount of water vapor in the air. Absolute humidity is the amount of moisture expressed in grams per cubic meter. When discussing the amount of air moisture indoors, you consider relative humidity, which compares the current water vapor level against the highest possible level. This is affected by air temperature. For maximum indoor comfort, the relative humidity levels in your home should range between 40% and 60%. If it’s too high, your home can be a breeding ground for mold, mildew and dust mites. These can trigger allergic reactions and worsen respiratory problems, including asthma. When the humidity levels drop below 40%, the environment becomes excessively dry, which can lead to several body discomforts, such as dry, itchy skin.

A humidifier is one effective way of solving low humidity issues. Portable humidifiers are placed in a room to provide moisture in the space. This is unlike a whole-home dehumidifier that’s installed directly to the HVAC system to provide moisture throughout the house. There is a humidistat that controls the humidifier, which can be adjusted remotely. When the humidity levels in your home fall below the desired level, the whole-home humidifier starts operating.

The humidifier is connected to either the return or supply end of the ductwork and to your home’s water supply. Inside the unit is a humidifier pad, a rotating drum or a steaming system. Depending on the system, water will run down the pad to the rotating drum or can be turned to mist. The air flowing through the heating system is directed to the humidifier, which is exposed to the water inside and will have higher moisture levels when blown inside your home.

Benefits of Installing Whole-Home Humidifier

Installing a whole-home humidifier has several benefits to your property and your family’s health. Here are some of them.

1. Better Skin Health

Cold and dry air can lead to dehydrated and itchy skin. This problem can worsen in people suffering from dermatitis and eczema. The skin loses moisture in dry climates and appears flaky, irritated and itchy. It can also trigger the oil-producing glands to produce more oil, which can increase the chance of acne. The skin produces hyaluronic acid that draws water from the outside of the skin to release hydration. When adequately hydrated, the skin has proper elasticity and can snap back into place after exposure to physical stress. This prevents premature aging and the development of signs, including wrinkles and fine lines. The skin can also regenerate itself, a process of losing dead cells, so it can appear smoother.

2. Reduce Allergic Reactions

Allergic symptoms can occur when your immune system reacts to unhealthy, dry air conditions. In an environment with low humidity, there is an increased spread of viruses and bacteria. When one family member has a cold or a respiratory infection, they can quickly spread it when they sneeze. When the body tries to fight off these and other airborne microorganisms in dry conditions, the mucous membrane can swell and produce excess mucous. You may thus have a runny nose, watery eyes or sneezing attacks.

3. Healthier Air

When the climate is too dry, it can result in dehydrated sinus cavities because of the extraction of moisture from the membrane tissue. This can lead to a scratchy or sore throat and painful sinuses. When you develop a flu or a cold, the membrane tissues are irritated, and the condition feels more painful than it normally would. With a whole-home humidifier, the problem can be reduced.

4. Preserve Wooden Furniture and Structures

A whole-home humidifier provides the right amount of moisture to preserve wooden floors, walls and furniture. They can last longer and look good when the levels are within the recommended range. Low humidity can cause them to shrink, split, crack and warp. This is because the dry air pulls moisture from the wood.

5. Protect Electronics

Low humidity can result in static electricity that can lead to electronics failure due to a short-out. When there is an imbalance between negative and positive charges within the surface of a conductor, an electrostatic discharge is formed. This results in the building up of stored energy until the conductor arcs and the power leaps to the nearby conductors. You can get an electrostatic shock if you touch the conductor before the power is passed to another conductive object.

Air moisture is a natural conductor that can receive energy and pass it to the ground. When the climate is too dry, there is no earthing conductor and the energy can be transferred to the electronics, leading to their failure. With a whole-home humidifier, you can achieve indoor humidity levels of around 40% and even though static electricity is produced, it is discharged to the ground. Beyond 55%, the condition does not allow static energy production.

6. Reduce Heating Bills

The body cools itself by releasing water, which evaporates and leaves a cooling sensation. The environment contributes to the evaporation when the air is dry and hot. With a whole-home humidifier, you can increase indoor moisture levels and reduce the amount of water evaporating from your body. This is why homes with high humidity feel warmer. You can reduce your reliance on heating systems, resulting in lower energy bills.

7. Improve Sleeping Conditions

A whole-home humidifier can create the ideal environment for better sleep quality. Arid air can make it hard to breathe when sleeping because of the stuffy feeling produced when the sinus membranes dry out. The dry air conditions can also trigger loud snoring, disrupting your sleeping cycle and that of other house occupants. You can also cough because of breathing problems and sore or dried throats.

8. Convenience

A whole-home humidifier is ideal for providing overall indoor air quality throughout the house in a dry climate. It prevents you from running multiple smaller humidifiers. This can be tedious as you must set up adequate space for them all and constantly refill. You may also end up using more electricity.

Most people spend an average of 90% of their time indoors, making it vital to have high-quality indoor air. This quality can be lowered when you have deficient humidity levels. You can use a humidifier to ensure everyone at your house is healthier and more comfortable. For proper working of your whole-home humidifier, contact our professionals at Goettl's High Desert Mechanical for installation. We also have experts who provide heating, cooling and plumbing services throughout Camp Verde, AZ. Whether you need system installation, repair, maintenance or replacement, do not hesitate to contact us at Goettl's High Desert Mechanical for top-notch services.

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